In order to get to the desert, you must first repair the bus. Get to the Desert: Ride the Bus Finishing the Vault Bundle at the Community Center rewards you with bus repair, allowing you to access the desert. This guide will elaborate on some of these features and how they are beneficial to your farm.
There's a new shop (Oasis), forage items that help with bundles, new types of fish, and the Skull Cavern along with other secrets. This area is actually Calico Desert, a place that contains a few unique features that help you as a player. You'll only see '?' when you hover over it on the map. The Desert is a mystery early in your adventures in Stardew Valley.
Stardew Valley: The Desert Unlocking the Bus, Casino, and Skull Cavern Mine The top-left corner of the Stardew Valley map contains Calico Desert, location of coconuts, cactus fruit, the Oasis store and the Skull Cavern